Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mixed Sets and What to do if your girlfriend gets hit on

Two sides of the coin...

So you’re out and talking to a woman who seems to be into you, but suddenly an aggro guy tells you “I’m her boyfriend”. Yet the girl keeps talking… What do you do? There are many reasons why a woman might entertain you in the presence of her boyfriend and they don’t all necessarily mean she’s into you…

  • She wants to make him Jealous
  • She’s not “trained”
  • She’s drunk and unaware of her actions
  • She’s looking to trade up
  • She’s bored


Keep in mind "I'm her boyfriend" is guy-code for "I know what you're doing, get lost". In those situations I tend to disqualify myself by saying I have a girlfriend, and then running a little rapport with the both of them. Presto, insta wings and future hangout partners. Or you could keep going, and possibly get in a retarded fight when there are tons of other girls nearby who aren't taken.

I wouldn’t be afraid to approach mixed sets, but at the same time there’s a fine line between finding out logistics of “how everyone knows each other”, and intentionally trying to poach a dude’s girl in front of him. If you pursue the latter course of action, anything which happens is on your head.

My girl is being hit on - Help!

I go out with my girls often. Some are trained better than others, but here’s some of the things I’ve done when my girl is being hit on.

  • AMOG
  • Perform human sacrifice (Introduce someone to the annoying guy and move girl)
  • Not acknowledge guy and move the girl
  • Interrupt strongly to take over the conversation and tell the guy “Hey nice meeting you, we have to go now”
  • Interrupt strongly and speak only to the girl “Hey, it’s your turn..” or “I just saw the most AMAZING thing I have to show you! Let’s go”, then move her.
  • If the guy isn’t that great, ditch her so she gets bored of him and comes looking for you.
  • Start talking to girls who are attracted to me in front of my girl.
  • Have a wing come in and talk to the guy, move the girl.


I’ve only needed to AMOG once in 2 years, so there are plenty of other things you can do without resorting to something which may possibly get ugly.


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