Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to: The Dinner Date

As the first of many how to articles, here’s one on my favorite type of date: the Dinner date. Dinner dates can be super effective when done right, and are usually a 1st or 2nd date activity for me. I probably end up having sex with around 90% of girls who go on dates with me, and it happens on date 1, 2, or 3. Only once did it take 4 dates and she was a model. Go figure she was the tough cookie. Let’s talk about some of what a dinner date brings to the table…

  • Tasking a girl to bring something like wine increases her investment.
  • Being a guy that can whip up great food or drinks displays great DHVs.
  • Getting her involved in the making of dinner, like having her chop veggies also increases her investment and helps foster an “our world” experience.
  • With her at your place you may have souvenirs or accomplishments which are easy to talk about from a comfort/attraction standpoint.
  • It’s an easy way to get her to your place with plausible deniability, and you’ll have the home court advantage.
  • She’ll be more comfortable on future visits.

I’ll have her show up around 7 with some wine. We bounce to the grocery store to grab a few things (the clerks give me these looks because I’m always bringing hot women in). When we return I make us drinks and then we sit down in front of my wide screen which is hooked up to the computer, and I start showing her funny videos, playing music, and telling her stories about my Myspace pictures. By now she’s totally loosened up and relaxed, and there’s anywhere from light to heavy kino. Often they’ll just put their legs up on mine. When they’re this comfortable and touchy sometimes the first makeout and lay happens right then.

If it doesn’t, I’ll do a takeaway by getting up to cook dinner right as she’s super comfortable with me. She’ll follow me into the kitchen (you always want to set a frame so she’s chasing you and vying for your attention). I involve her by telling her to chop things up, watch the timer, pour me a drink, etc. Afterwards we sit down, eat, hang out a little more and again we have kino, makeout, or sex opportunity.

Then it’s time to bounce to the venue. I like high energy venus to keep state and attraction high. My favorite is Karaoke because of the participation factor, energy, social proof, more DHVs, and just plain fun. When we return, there’s almost always make out, groping, grinding, and then sex.

Activities for dates at home: Check out Myspace/Facebook, picture albums, tell stories about things she notices in your place, play music and dance, teach her Karate moves, do Kokology puzzles, and more. Telling stories about pictures or things in your place is awesome because it works from a DHV, attraction, and comfort standpoint simultaneously. Generally anything which keeps the mood fun, interesting, flirty, conveys good things about you, or involves touching is a winner. I’m not a fan of movies; they’re dead time you could have spent furthering the interaction. If you use a movie to isolate to the bedroom… cool. Normally I just lead them there by the hand when it’s time, with no pretenses.

Let’s hear some of your favorite date strategies in the comments below.



  1. I'm also a big fan of the dinner date. I like to teach her how to make things. My last dinner date was with a girl I've been seeing for a month or so. We made pizza. The dough was from scratch, we used Boboli pizza sauce, shredded mozarella and a few toppings. We were both surpised at how well it came out. Absolutely incredible. And I taught her how to kneed dough as I was chopping bell peppers.

    I've recently started to take girls out salsa dancing with me. It's a great way to initiate kino (cause it's you know . . . partner dancing), shows you are confident on a dance floor and gives you the opportunity to get away from your date for a bit to create more attraction. It's expected for you to dance with multiple people; sticking with one partner the entire night is just weird. I can also introduce her to other dancers, talk about the classes I teach, etc. It's a great way to introduce her to my reality, where I regulary interact with high quality women.

  2. Taylor you bring up an awesome point. Dancing is a great way to raise Buying temperature, and for kino escalation.
