Thursday, October 15, 2009


And this, gentlemen, is exactly why we have things like ASD, and one of several reasons why it's hard for guys - especially AFCs - to get laid.

Men in society are DIRECTLY responsible for their own sorrows in that regard,because women are deathly afraid of judgment and will modify their behavior to avoid being labeled "SLUT".

Of course Grandma feeding her bad social programming about "the chaste good old days" is no help either. But reinforcing it? Stupid with a capital S. No wonder she didn't give it up to you, dummy.

When you judge a woman you are creating more work for yourself to get those panties off. Avoid judgments!

Sub communicate that you are non judgmental, that you are open, and respect people who go for what they want and don't give a shit what other people think. Another good one is people who live in the moment are cool, it allows her to tap into her impulsive side and just go with the flow. The flow being, having sex and doing things with or for you.

See my last post "Inspired" for a great example of how communicating values ("People who live in the moment are cool") and directly lead to a girl giving me a sloppy blowjob.
